Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Gadd Jr, Franklin R - HQ
Gaffney, Francis J - 254th Engineer Combat Bn
Gahagan, William E - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Galloway Jr, Franklin K - HQ 720th Field Artillery Bn
Gambill, James W - 748th Tank Bn (CMB)
Gardner, Charles H -HQ
Gardner, Herman E - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Garretson, James B - 259th
Garrett, Bruce L - HQ
Garvey, Dudley M - 869th Field Artillery
Gatton Jr, Cloid - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Gautsch, Joseph A - 260th
Gavaghan Jr, Joseph P -HQ
Gehner, Carl W - 260th
Gemoll, Lloyd F - HQ Battery, 65th Div Artillery
George, Julian H- HQ 259th (SSM)
Geremia, Walter A- 65th Recon
Gibson, James H - 748th Tank Bn
Gilbert, Harry M - 260th
Gilmartin, John H -260th
Ginther, Richard L - 260th
Girdwood, Aylmer H -869th Field Artillery Bn
Glass, Robert R - 748th Tank Bn
Gleason, William T - HQ
Gohlke, Franklin A- 260th
Gojmerac, Charles - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
Goldreyer, Ira M - 867th Field Artillery
Golz, Walter A- 365th Medical Bn
Gomes, James - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Gonsalves, Carlos M - 765th Ordnance Light Maintenance Co
Gonzales, Manual J - 261st (PH)
Goodwin, Kenneth E - 260th
Gordon, Kenneth W - 261st
Gorman, Francis W - 261st
Goss, Elmer C - 259th
Gould, Harold E -
Gourley, Robert L- 260th
Grant Jr, George W- 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Grant, Harold, G -868th Field Artillery Bn
Graves, William C - 748th Tank Bn
Gray Jr, William R - Company L ? (PH)
Graybeal, Willie B -260th
Green, Daniel L - 260th
Green, Irving - Medical Detachment, 260th (PH)
Green, Robert L - 748th Tank Bn
Griffen, Clifton M -HQ
Grimmeison, John L - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Grindeland, Gerald W - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Guillot Jr, Paul E- 261st
Guyer, Verlen H - 260th
Hall, William C - 259th
Hamburger Jr, Frank F - 260C
Hamil, John C - 260 Cannon Co
Hamilton, Wayne M - 259th
Hammer, Lavoyce- 565th Signal Co
Hammill, Thomas E -868th Field Artillery Bn
Hammond, Fred B - 259th
Hance, Laconla H - 261st
Hanna, Kenneth H - HQ
Haralampus, Alexander A - 260th
Hardin, Joseph S - HQ
Hargrove, Fritz M - 261st
Hamen, Hubert F - 261st
Harminson, William M - 260th (KIA, PH)
Harms Jr, George H - 260th
Harris, Henry F - 365th Medical Bn
Harris, Paul R- 261st
Harris, Thomas C - 260th
Harrison, J D -259th
Hart, Walter F- 867th Field Artillery Bn
Hart, Walter J -260th
Hartin, Earle J- 259th
Hartwig, Harvey H- 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Hasen, Robert P - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Hassenstab, Alfred J - 260th (PH)
Hatfield, Richard L - 261st
Hatley, Harold W -HQ Battery, 65th Div Arillery
Hattala, John M - 261st
Haucke, Harry H- 868th Field Artillery Bn
Haviza, Vincent R - 259th
Hawkins, Blair W - 259th
Hay, Kenneth C - HQ Battery, 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Hayden, Ray R- 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Hayes, Lanny L - 748th Tank Bn
Hayes, William W - HQ
Hearron, Aussie B- 365th Medical Bn
Hedgecock, Laverne L - 748th Tank Bn
Hedrick, Albert P - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Heike, Arthur O-Medical Detachment 259th
Henzmann, George M-259th
Helberg, Roland M- 259th
Held, Henry G- Chaplain, 259th
Hellock, Mike R- 261st
Hembree, Robert R- 259th
Hennings, William F- 259th
Henry, Carl R - 565th Signal Co
Henry, Lester F - 261st
Hensler, William L - 259th
Hensley, William E - 720th Field Artillery Bn
Henson, Oliver M - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Hickle, Leonard E R- 867th Field Artillery Bn
Higgins, Jack K- 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Higginson, Thomas L - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Hildreth, Lawrence W - 261st
Hill Jr, James C - 565th Signal Co
Hill, James J - Medical Detachment, 260th
Hill Jr, John H- 259th
Hilmo, Olaf A- 260th
Hindenland, Arthur W - 848th Tank Bn
Hoblitzelle, George K - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Hochderffer, Robert B -259th
Hocker, Wallis G - 765th Ordnance Light Maintenance Co
Hofman, Ernest H - 748th Tank Bn
Hofstetter, Albert D - 260th
Hoglen, Hubert J - 259th
Hogrefe, Arnold A - 365th Medical Bn
Holmes, Grant E- 565th Signal Co
Holmes, Harmon E - 748th Tank Bn
Holmes, Robert F -546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Holsclaw, Leslie E- 259th
Hony, James E - 261st
Hoobing, Raymond E - 261st (KIA, PH)
Hood, Ray E - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Hooten, Lawrence A - 259th
Hornbeck, Lee A - 260th
Horsman, Joseph H - 260th
Houghton Jr, Albert R -261st
Houston Jr, Robert F- 260th
Howell, Lyle E- 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Hubbard, Clarence G - HQ, 65th Div Artillery
Hudson, Cecil G - 748th Tank Bn
Hudy, Joseph R - 260th
Hughes, Robert P- 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Hulpa, Charles A -748th Tank Bn
Humphreys, Richard B - 259th
Hunt, Clarence W - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Hunt, Francis J-65th Military Police Platoon
Hurst, Joy R - 261st (KIA,PH)
Hutto Jr, David A -265th Engineer Combat Bn
Ivy, Earvin E - 261st
Jackson, Frank R - 260st
Jackson, Granville C - 260th
Jackson, Wells E - 65th Quartermaster Co
Jacobs, Lester E - 260th
Jacobson, Israel - 259I
Jacobson, Robert H - HQ
Jennings, Stanley C - 65th Military Police Platoon
Jipson, Virgil B- 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Johannes, Clarence A- 365th Medical Bn
Johnson, Carl L- 365th Medical Bn
Johnson, Edward B -261st
Johnson, Erick W - 65th Military Police Platoon
Johnson, Lyman - 260th
Johnson, Wlater D - 259G
Johnston Jr, Albert H - Medical Detachment ,260th
Johnston, William H - 261st
Jolly Jr, Finnis E - 261st
Jones Jr, James L - 260th
Jones, Louis A - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Jones, Richard O - HQ
Jones, Wilbur S - HQ, 65th Div Artillery
Jordy, William H - HQ
Joyner, Warren G - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Junot, Robert C - 261st
Kaaland, Edwin - 259th
Kacerovsky, Edward J - 259th
Kageorge, Pedro W - 260th
Kaiser, Robert L - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Karlin, Harold O - 260th
Kauffman, Weldon D - 260th
Keifer Jr, Frederick J- 259th (PH)
Keithly, Clyde R - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Keller, Lucien F - 260th
Kelly, Edward A - 748th Tank Bn
Kelly, John P - 765th Ordnance Light Maintenance Co
Kelly, Joseph M - 867th Field Artillery Bn (PH)
Kennedy, Robert M - 260th
Kennedy, Walter E - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Kent, Howard - 261st
Kieinski, Henry A - 261st (PH)
Kilcullen, Lawrence A - HQ, 65th Div Artillery
Kincannon, Jack F - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
King, John H - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
King, Thaddeus H - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Kingsley, Keith R - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
Kinsey, Kenneth O - 260th
Kiolbassa, Anton L - 259th (PH)
Kirn, John J (or K)- 867th Field Artillery Bn, then HQ
Kirschbaum, Joseph - HQ
Knepp, Robert A - Medical Detachment Special Troops
Knight, James M - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Knotts, Earl J - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Koerber Jr, William G - 259th
Kolozie, John F - 748th Tank Bn
Komisarz, Henry D - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Kondos, Christ J - 748th Tank Bn
Konkal, Rudolph E - 260th (PH)
Kordan, Emeric F (or W) - 260th (PH)
Kosack, Joseph R - 260th
Koschel, ELmo S - HQ 65th Div Artillery
Koukal, Earl W - 259th
Kraut, Charles - 260th
Kreinberg, Samuel - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Kreitzer, Ralph L - 260th
Kremarik, John E - 546th Anti-Aircraft artillery
Krish, Edward - Medical Detachment, 261st
Krochta, Michael - 261st
Kroll, Martin -260th
KulWicki, Henry E - 259th
Kuwahara, James M - 260th
Laferriere, Albert A - 260th
Lafferty, Paul E - 261st
LaFond, Walter K - 869th Field Artillery Bn (PH)
Lake Jr, Mayhew L -
Lake, William G- 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
Lamberson, James W - 260th
Lambert, John - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Lamothe Jr, Frank E - 261st (SSM)
Landon, Thomas c - 259th
Lang, Joseph S - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Langkamp, Guerdon P - 765th Ordnance Light Maintenance Co
Lanman Jr, David G - HQ
Lard, Robert S - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn (PH)
Last, Albert R - 261st
Lastrapes II, George F- 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
Latham, James L - HQ
Latimer, Paul H - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Law, Richard L - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Leavell Jr, Lewis L - 261st
Lee, Hubert - 261L (PH)
Lee, Ronald J - 65th Quartermaster Co
Lefebvre, Wilfred J - Medical Detachment 260th
Lehman, Richard L - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Lehr, Walter G - 65th Military Police Platoon
Lehr, Walter G - 65th Military Police Platoon
Leighton-Floyd, Ralph E - 260th
Leintz, Henry - 748th Tank Destroyer Bn
Leiva, Jesus M - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
LeJeune, Alden J - 259th
Leker, James E -259th (PH)
Leoper, Ralph B- 259th
Lesh, Robert L - 259th
Leska, Richard P - 260th
Levin, Alfred C - 260th (PH)
Lewis, Frank O - 65th Military Police Platoon
Lile, Lionel N - HQ
Lieles, Emerson - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Lillich Jr, Benjamin - 259th
Lindsay, Harold B - 261st
Lister, Robert H - 260th
Little, William A - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Livingstone, John A - HQ
Long, Robert E - 259th
Lopez, Jess - 720th Field Artillery Bn
Lovvorn Jr, William B - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Low, Ernest - Interrogation of Prisoner of War Team No 194
Ludwig Sr, Richard J - 260th
Lumley, John C - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Lutemeier, Leonard M - 365th Medical Bn
Lutke, Richard F - 261st
Lynch III, Nathan - Company L
Lytton, William P - 720th Field Artillery Bn
Macek, Frank M - 261st
Machelor, Richard L - 260th
Maestas, Fidel B - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Maguire Jr, Raymer F - HQ 65th Div Artillery
Mahon Jr, Robert J B - 260th
Maiden Jr, Clarence D - 261st
Maiorana, Joseph - 65th Military Police Platoon
Majdoch, Arthur B - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Maklakiewicz, Edward - Medical Detachment, 261st (CMB)
Malloy, Donald C - HQ
Mancini, Alphonse - Co C, 748th Tank Bn (SSM)
Mann, Raymond W - Medical Detachment, 748th Tank Bn (CMB)
Marsh, Norris V - HQ
Marsili, Lawrence J - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Martens, Leonard M - 765th Ordnance Light Maintenance Co
Martenson Jr, Anders - 65th Quartermaster Co
Martin, Edwin P - 365th Medical Bn (CMB)
Martin, Jack C - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Masters, Victor W - 259th
Mathews Jr, Mathew S - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Mattera, Umberto - 259th
Mattison, Millard F - 365th Medical Bn
Maushammer, Robert F - 261st (KIA, PH)
Mayer, Laddie J - 748th Tank Bn
Mayer Leon - HQ
McAlpine, Fred F - 259th (PH)
McArthur, Donald W - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
McBryde, Joe A - 261st
McCabe Jr, John K - 259th
McCafferty, Clarence - 261st (KIA, PH)
McCallister, Lewis - 260th (PH)
McCartin, James W - Medical Detachment, 260th
McCarty, William T - 365th Medical Bn
McClung, James S - 260th
McClure, Paul E - 260th
McConnell, Walter C - 720th Field Artillery Bn
McCorkle Jr, James T - 260th
McCorkle, Robert B - 868th Field Artillery Bn
McCracken, Robert E - 261st
McCready, Francis - 259th
McCreary, Gerald F - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
McCrillis, Charles M - 869th Field Artillery Bn
McDermott, Raymond J - 261st
McDonald, Clifton D - 260th
McDonald Jr, Robert C - HQ 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
McDonough, Jean W - 869th Field Artillery Bn
McGarry, Joseph P - 260th
McGee, Earl A - 260th
McGlaughlin, Ivan L - 365th Medical Bn
McGrew, James R - HQ & Service Co, 265th Engineer Combat Bn
McGuire, James C - 260th
McGuire, Michael E - 260th
McKay, James C - 261st
McKinney, Alfred - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
McKinstry, Richard E - 259th
McLean, Hector - HQ
McLeod, Boyd B - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
McMahon Jr, Thomas J - 260th
McNeil, Burton E - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
McNinch, Cecil E - 259th
McNutt, Robert D - 259th
McPhail, John P - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
McShan, Dormen B - 565th Signal Co
Meadows, Cecil - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Meadows, Herman E - Medical Detachment, 261st (CMB)
Medley, Shulman A - 260th
Meehan, Thomas L - 261st (PH)
Meeks, Leonard W - 260th
Meinema, Abner J - 65th Military Police Platoon
Melaney, Donald H - 259th
Mellott, Charles L - 260th
Menard, Leo A - 260th
Mendenhall, Ralph F - 259th
Mercandante, Nicholas - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Merle-Smith Jr, Can S - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Merrill, Ivan C - 261st
Messer, Eugene - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Mestad, Orville L - 546th Anti-Arillery Bn
Meyer, Milton W - 259th
Mickalonis, Joseph S - 261st
Mielka, Robert C - 261st
Milam Jr, Jesse R - 748th Tank Bn
Milbrodt, William M - 260th
Miller, Bernard - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
Miller, Elmer F - 261st
Miller, Elmo L - 260th
Miller, Howard J - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Miller, William B - 261st
Minnick, Harry T - 261st
Miocic, Jack C - 61st Tank Destroyer Bn
Mitchell, Donald M - 259th
Mitchell, Jasper D - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Mitnick, Joseph G - HQ
Mitrovich, William - 365th Medical Bn
Mize, Audie E - 261st
Monsson, Charles D - HQ
Mooney, John J - 260th
Moore Jr, Euless B - 260th
Moore, John E - 260th
Moore, Kenneth C - 720th Field Artillery Bn
Moorhead, john A - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Moors, William K - 259th
Morgan, William G - 261st
Morin, Roger E - 259th
Morris, Cecil P - 259th
Morrow, George E - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Morrow, Joe E - 260th
Morschauser, William R - 259th
Morton, Oscar N - HQ Battery, 65th Div Artillery Bn (KIA, PH)
Moss, Robert J - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Mounsdon, James A - 260th
Mower, Ralph E - 259th
Mueller, Alfred G - 260th
Muller, Herman - 365th Medical Detachment
Mumford Jr, William E - 565th Signal Co (PH)
Murphy, George - 259th
Murphy Jr, William J - 720th Field Artillery Bn
Murray, Earle F - 261K
Muse, Donald P - 260th (PH)
Muzeroll, Leo - Medical Detachment, 260th
Muzio, John A - 259th
Myers, Benny L - 808th Tank Destroyer B
Napper, Max D - 65th Military Police Platoon
Nazworthy, Elmer A - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Needham, Gordon N - 261st
Neff, Herbert D - 260th (PH)
Nelson, George M - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissanace Troop
Nelson, Gordon S - Medical Detachment, 261st
Nemby, James H - 259th
Neupert, Jack G - 869th Field Artillery Bn (AM)
Newman, George E - 259th
Nobles, Roland V - 260th
North Jr, William M - 260th (PH)
Norton, Charles S - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
Novi, Wilbur E - 260th
Noyes, Arthur A - HQ
Noyes, Duane E - 260th
Nurmi, Reino - 260th
O'Brien, Edward J - Medical Detachment, Special Troops
O'Brien, William G - 867th Field Artillery Bn
O'Connor, Robert F - 365th Medical Bn
O'Connor, Thomas J - 748th Tank Bn
O'Connor, Thomas M - Medical Detachment, 260th (KIA, PH)
O'Donnell, Herbert W - 65th Military Police Platoon
O'Leary, Arthur J - 720th Field Artillery Bn
O'Neal, Leroy D - 260th
O'Neil, John W - 261st
O'Neill, William E - 260th
O'Quinn, William A - 259th (PH)
O'Shea, Terence T - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
O'Sullivan, Arthur L - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Oates, William J - 259th
Oehmke, Benjamin H - 261st
Oestreich, Richard M - Medical Detachment, 261st
Ogden, Ray W - 260th
Ogle, Nial W - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Oldfield, Andrew G -261st
Olson, Arnold G - 261st
Olynger, James F - 259th
Ordway, Ronald V - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Osborn, Bayard - 748th Tank Bn
Osborn, Elmer W - 260th
Ott, David E - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Ouellette Jr, Oscar J - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
Outhier, Galen W - 260th
Owens, Clayton C - 260th
Ozrelic, Frank N - 259th
Pace, Reed D - 261st
Packard, Duan E - HQ, 65th Div Artillery
Padakis, Nick G - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Page, Elmer L - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Pagel, Henry E - 260th
Paine, William J - 260th
Papadinis, Rosment - 260D
Pappolardo, Harry - 748th Tank Bn
Parent, Herman R - 261st
Parr, Jesse - 261st
Patterson, Harold W
Patton, Lon B - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Paul, Russell F - HQ, 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Payton, Ralph M - 65th Military Police Platoon
Peacock, John C - 748th Tank Bn
Pearl, Saul C -
Pearson, Lawrence D- 260th
Peddicord, Ralbott M - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Peehloff, Anton F - 260th
Penner, Bernard L - 259th
Perea, Jose C - 259th
Perin, Richard M - 260th
Perry, James S - 260th
Perry, Laurence B - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Perryman, James E - 261st
Peters, Arthur M
Peterson, Billy J - 260th
Peterson, Leroy L - 260th
Petrillo, Carmine - Medical Detachment, 259th
Petsuch, Edward H - 261st
Phillips Jr, Atma F - 261st
Phillips, Homer H - 260th
Phillips, Paul W - 261st
Piccinati, Jay J - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Pichurski, John R - 259th
Pierce Jr, Tom D- 259th
Pillman, James - 259K
Platt, Horace C - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Podolak, Ernest J - 260th
Poe, Larkin A - 748th Tank Bn
Poirier, Raoul R - 260th
Poledna, Levi H - 261st
Pomeroy, Neyron R - 546th Anit-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Pond, Sheldon S - 260th
Pool, Bernard E - HQ Battery, 65th Div Artillery
Porreco, Rocco E - Medical Detachment, 259th
Potvin, William L - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Powell, Claude L - Medical Detachment, 261th
Powers, Grier C - 261st
Pzarnsky, Charles H - 261st
Pratt, Seymour A - 261st
Prescott, Robert K - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Price, Marion J - Medical Detachment, 260th
Prince, Elmer E - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Pruitt, Greer J - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Puzzo, Albert - HQ
Radu, Daniel D - 261st (PH)
Rae, Woodrow A - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Ralston Jr, Frank G - 265th Engineer Combat
Ratel Jr, Walter R -261st
Raymond, Howard E - 265th Engineer Combat
Reagan, Stephen J - 261st
Ream, Doyle D - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Rector, Bill N - 260th
Reed, Fred F - 259H
Reed, Merlyn E - 65th Quartermaster Co
Reich, Robert A - 261st
Reid, Elmer A - 261st
Reid, Melvin A - 261st
Rein, Max G - HQ
Reuter, Edmund E - 720th Field Artillery Bn
Revere, Seth D - Medical Detachment, 259th
Reynolds, Richard B - 261st
Rice, Harry C - 260th
Rice, John A - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Rich, Donald S - 259th
Richardson, Johnny R - 260th
Ritchie III, John - HQ
Robbins, J W - 748th Tank Bn
Roberts, Duane L - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Robertson, James N - HQ
Robinson, William I - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Roby Jr, William E - HQ
Rodenbeck, Walter - 65th Military Police Platoon
Rogers Jr, Edmund - 261st
Rogers Jr, Lewis K - 261st
Rogers, Mert L - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Rogerson, Louis - 261st
Roggasch, Rex R - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Roggow, Harold W - 259th
Rompola, Edward S - 260th
Rooney, James P - 259th
Roose, Robert C - 259th
Roseman, Glenn R - Medical Detachment, 261st
Rosen, Kenneth V - Medical Detachment, Special Troops
Rosenblume, Milton B - 261st
Ross, Frederick P -261st
Ross, John F - 260th
Ross, Joseph H - 260th Field Artillery Bn
Rothacher, Dale E - 260th
Rupp, Everett M - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Russell, Leon L - 748th Tank Bn
Rutkevicz, Joseph J - 259th
Sanders, James P - 259th
Sanders, Wallace B - 261st
Sanderson, John W - 565th Signal Co (PH)
Santo, Mike - Medical Detachment, 260th (PH)
Sather, Lawrence N - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Saul, Chief T - 260th
Saunders Jr, Charles W - 259th
Sawyer Jr, Robert N - 260th
Schaefer, Harry W - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Schaefer, Robert G - HQ
Schantz, Norman H - 261st
Schaub Jr, Gustave A - 261M
Schmalle, Earl T -Medical Detachment, 260th
Schneider, John P - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Schneider, Karl E - 261st
Schober, Jack - 260th
Schorzman, William F - 259th
Schryer, Kenneth V - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Schultz, Earl W - 260th
Schultz, Theodore H - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Schuman, Robert F -
Schwab, Ernest L - 260th
Schwarz, Mark H -261st
Scott, Ira F -259th
Scott, Joseph C - 260th
Scott, Preston P - 259th
Scott, Raymond E - 565th Signal Co
Scott, Reginald H -259th
Scott, William T - 261st
Seidenabel, Chlarence H - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Sietz, Charles J - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Sellers, Elmer R - 259th
Seramlin, Robert M - 259th
Serenil, Serapio - 259th (PH)
Sexauer, Richard A - 261st (PH)
Shafer, Leo B - 261st
Shea, Daniel E - 261st
Sheeler, Melvin J - 748th Tank Bn
Sheetz Jr, James M - 65th Miliatry Police Platoon
Shingobe, James - 261I
Shofner, Leon L - 260B
Shomo, John E - 260th
Short, Cecil C - 259th
Shoults, Samuel B - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Shugart, Richard W - 565th Signal Co
Sidell, Leon J - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Sivla, Manuel J - 260th
Silvey, James E - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Simeone, Salvatore B - 259th
Simon, Donald E - HQ
Simon, Harry J - 260th (PH)
Simpson, Henry L - 748th Tank Bn
Sims, Millard M - 260th
Sink, Mark E -260th
Sipe, Eugene C - 260th
Skamser, Duane A - 261st (PH)
Skofstad, Joseph B -259th
Slade, Arthur m - 748th Tank Bn
Slamon, Francis H - 261st
Slavo, Valant G - 261st
Sloan Arthur N - Medical Detachment, 260th (DOW, PH)
Slocum, Seth A - 259th
Smith, Donald A - 259th
Smith, Edmund F - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Smith, Edward H - 261st
Smith, Harold A -867th Field Artillery Bn
Smith, Howard F -265th Engineer Combat Bn
Smith, James C - 565th Signal Co
Smith, Kenneth E - 260th
Smith, Lewis V- HQ 65th Div Artillery
Smith, Ray - 261st
Smith, Richard J - 260th
Smith, Robert V - 260th
Smith, William S - 260th
Snow Jr, Benjamin B - HQ
Snyder Jr, Edward N - Medical Detachment, 261st (CMB)
Snyder, Wilson P - 260th
Solito, Joseph J - 261st (PH)
Sorensen, James E - 565th Signal Co
Sovey, Albert M 0 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Spanover, Abraham - 260th (PH)
Sparrowk, Bernard - 261st
Spicer, Bobbie G - 260th
Spiess, George G - 565th Signal Co
Spiro, Earl M - 260th
Springer, Gustave - 565th Signal Co
Spruell, Vernon E - 260th
Squires, Richard E - 265th Engineer Combat
Stacy, Robert A -Medical Detachment, 261st (PH)
Stahl, Robert H - 260th
Standridge, Acy W - 868th Field Artillery (PH)
Stanlake, Roland D - 259th
Stanley, James D - 261st
Stare, John W - 869th Field Artillery (AM)
Sternadel, Wlater F - 260th
Stewart, Franklin m - 259th
Stewart, Kenneth H - 261st
Stieff, Russell I - 259th
Stine, Walter P - 260th
Stirnkorb, Robert J - 259th
Stone, Charles L - 261st
Stone, Oliver L - 261st
Strauss, Robert N - 65th Military Police Platoon
Street, Arthur D - 261st
Streuber, Douglas W - 365th Medical Bn
Strickland, Arthur L - 565th Signal Co
Strickland, George B - 261st
Stuckey, John L - 261st
Sullivan, William G - 260th
Summers Jr, John S - 748th Tank Bn
Sumpter, James L - 261st (PH)
Sundt, Daniel N - HQ, 867th Field Artillery Bn
Sutherland, Eric C - 261st
Swartz, Carl A - 261st
Sweatt, Safford P - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Sweeney, Vyrl E - 261st
Swenson, Raymond W - 260th
Szorady, Fred E - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Taijido, Ralph - 259th
Tarr, Frank - Medical Detachment, 259th
Tate Sr, James L, 261st
Taylor, Amos E - 261st
Taylor, Coy M - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Taylor, James A - 260th
Taylor, William D - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Tedder, James J - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Thames Jr, James M - HQ
Thaver, Edward A - 260th
Thibault, Paul E - 259th
Thomas, Lloyd H - 260th
Thompson, Aubrey L - Medical Detachment, 260th
Thompson Jr, George W - 868th Field Artillery
Thompson, Robert L - 748th Tank Bn
Thompson, William H - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Thurston, Garth C - 259th (KIA, PH)
Tilden, William J - 260th
Tillie, Charles L - 868th Field Artillery Bn
Tilton, John E - 261st
Tollik, William - HQ
Totman, James C - HQ, 65th Div Artillery
Traugott, Erich A -Interrogation of POW Team
Tribble, Jack H - HQ 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Trubiano, Cono - 260th
Tyrone, Robert L - 261st
Underwood, James A - 260th
Upchurch, Charles W - 261st
Upham, Lawrence F - 260th
Upp, Robert D - 259th
Useinowicz, Frank C - 261st
Valentine, John J - 261st
Van Daele, August J - 260th
Van Wegan, Samuel O - 259th
Van Zandt, Harry C - 259th
Vandenberg, Albert - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Varney, Fred R - 365th Medical Bn
Vera, Frank J - 259th
Vinci, Slavatore V - Medical Detachment, 260th
Vissat, Raymond L -
Vohwinkle, Robert G -Medical Detachment 261st
Voigt, Edwin W - 259th
Vollano, Louis S - 261st
Wade, Russell W - 748th Tank Bn
Wadley, William O - 748th Tank Bn
Wagner, Paul J - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Walcott, Elmer J - Medical Detachment, 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Walker, Archie S - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Walker, Carl F - 259th
Walker, Elmer H - 260th (PH)
Walker, Harry W - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (PH)
Walker, Howard W - 260th
Walker, Louis W - 259th
Walker, Stanley m - HQ 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bn
Wallace, Floyd L - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Wallace, Richard D - 261st
Waller, John E - 261st
Walters, Clarence R -748th Tank Bn
Walters, Wilford E - HQ
Walz, Phili A - 260th (KIA, PH)
Wank, Raymond - 259th
Ward, Eugene R -259th
Ward, Robert T - HQ
Ware, Roswell C - 261st
Warner, Charles M- 868th Field Artillery Bn
Warren, William L - 259th
Warrsaw, Philip - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Washburn, Gale A - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Watson, James r - 261st
Watten, Einar - HQ
Weaver, Harold W - 261st
Wedel, Clayton H - 65th Military Police Platoon
Weever, John S - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Weigle, Charles W - 260th (KIA, PH)
Weingart, Robert F - 261st
Weiper, Charles E - 261st (KIA, PH)
Weir, Benjamin M - 261st
Weitzel, Russell H - 261st
Welsh, Fred J - 65th Division Band
Wendorf, George E - 261st (PH)
Wheatley, Jess W - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Wheeler, Raymond M - 65th Military Police Platoon
Wheelock, Hazen E - 720th Field Artillery Bn
White, Johnnie F - 260th
Whiting, Fred N - HQ
Wicker, Colon A - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Wild, Charles H - 261st (PH)
Willard, Walter E - 869th Field Artillery Bn (PH)
Williams, Alwyn W - 259th
Williams, Edwin E - 259th
Williams, Hollis B - 261st
Williams, Joseph D - 260th
Williams, Ray S - 65th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
Williams, Roy D - 261st (PH)
Williams, Virgil L - 260th
Williams, William B - 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Willingham, Willie - 265th Engineer Combat Bn
Willner, Robert - Interrogation of Prisoner of War Team 150
Willstatter, Alfred - 259th
Wilson Jr, Ivon D - 260th
Wilson, Verdun R - 65th Military Police Platoon
Wilson, Wells C - 565th Signal Co
Wilson, Williams C - 261st
Wingert, Henry M - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Wirth, John G - 867th Field Artillery Bn
Wolf, Paul W - 259th
Wolfe, Raymond O -261st (PH)
Woodard, Paul e - 748th Tank Bn
Woods, Burl F - 259th
Woolley, Arthur R - 261st
Workman Jr, Harold A - 868th Field Artillery Bn (PH)
Worley, Chan - 808th Tank Destroyer Bn
Worobey, Joseph J - 748th Tank Bn
Worthern, Carl E - 259th
Wright, Charles N - Medical Detachment, 259th (PH)
Wright, Lafayette H - HQ 867th Field Artillery
Yen, How Chin HQ
Youngblood, Derward R - 259th
Zager, Donald C -259th
Zenchak, Lawrence - 65th Quartermaster Co
Ziegler, Jerome I - 869th Field Artillery Bn
Ziesemer, Robert E -261st (DOW, PH)
Zimmerman, Jack F - 259th
Zuckermandel, Robert J - 259th
Zuel, Raymond C - 365th Medical Bn
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