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Here you'll find a collection of links to videos found online that feature either the Division as a whole or individual interviews.
NOTE: These were not produced and are not maintained by the Association. Some ads on social media may contain a variety of different subjects.
Please notify us of videos we may have missed or links that have gone bad.
Found online by Facebook volunteer Steve Schell
Amazing footage from May 1945, showing General Patton escorting Soviet officers in a troop review which appear to be the 65th Infantry in Linz, Austria.
After conducting further research, the troops in review are the 65th Infantry. The attached picture (from Camp Shelby archives) shows the same event with the same Soviet Generals in a still photo. You can clearly see the Halbert on the men's uniforms!
65th Inf Div Meets Russians near Enns, Austria May 9, 1945 posted on Youtube by Combat Camera Archives
Jim Newby recounts the events that earned him the Bronze Star in Germany during World War II. He reads and critiques the description reported in the Long Beach Press Telegram published just after the event back in 1945. Interview took place in his Grants Pass, Oregon home on October 2006.
Witness To War website "Preserving the Oral Histories of Combat Veterans"
Ball State University Libraries
Grant County Veterans Oral Histories
Mr. Vice served in the U. S. Army during the WWII conflict. The Grant County (Indiana) Veterans Oral Histories collection provides online access to digitized audio recordings and transcripts of 64 oral history interviews with U.S. military veterans from Grant County conducted by Marion High School students between 1998 and 2004.
Witness To War website "Preserving the Oral Histories of Combat Veterans"
Parman witnessed Holocaust horrors during war.
Fremont News Messenger article and video
Presented by US Embassy Vienna
Robert Patton, veteran of the U.S. 65th Infantry Division, talks to Counselor for Public Affairs Robert Hugins (U.S. Embassy Vienna) about the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp victims in 1945 and his efforts to have a memorial plate dedicated to the U.S. soldiers who liberated the camp.
Presented by New York State Military Museum
Veteran oral history interview published by the New York State Military Museum. The State of New York, the Division of Military and Naval Affairs and the New York State Military Museum are not responsible for the content, accuracy, opinions or manner of expression of the veterans whose historical interviews are presented in this video. The opinions expressed by those interviewed are theirs alone and not those of the State of New York.
Presented by New York State Military Museum
Veteran oral history interview published by the New York State Military Museum. The State of New York, the Division of Military and Naval Affairs and the New York State Military Museum are not responsible for the content, accuracy, opinions or manner of expression of the veterans whose historical interviews are presented in this video. The opinions expressed by those interviewed are theirs alone and not those of the State of New York.
Presented by New York State Military Museum
Veteran oral history interview published by the New York State Military Museum. The State of New York, the Division of Military and Naval Affairs and the New York State Military Museum are not responsible for the content, accuracy, opinions or manner of expression of the veterans whose historical interviews are presented in this video. The opinions expressed by those interviewed are theirs alone and not those of the State of New York.
Local MS media coverage about the 2021 reunion.
WWII Veterans and family members tour Camp Shelby and have special luncheon.
I am really interested in History, especially WWII. I have also always collected autographs. The reason I started collecting these autographs is because each of these autographs is a piece of history. It is really fun to get an autograph, and think, they were there. They saw this history. I have autographs from D-Day veterans, Pearl Harbor survivors, Battle of the Bulge veterans, and so much more. My hope is that this history will live on through this binder.
His web page
Click below to view the news video interview that Henry is profiled in. You can see a few of the pages our 65th Infantry Division Veterans are in. NBC15, WMTV Madison, OH
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